The Philosophy of Energematrice6

Energematrice6 may be a universe of wonder, built on mysterious forces, but what about reality? A story’s just a fairytale, invented for entertainment? Right?

…No. Actually, it’s not.

What’s in a story?

For centuries, the narrative that defined western civilization was the redeeming hero. People believed that a virtuous life should be the aim of every human being. The goal we reached for was a life lived in self-control to the benefit of others. We can hardly imagine the reality of fame and riches taking a back seat to virtue today.

Our heroes were men like George Washington, a leader famed for his honesty and willingness to lay aside power, or Isaac Newton, a scientist who opened up the world to exploration and understanding while daily studying his Bible. The greatest hero of western civilization was Jesus Christ, a humble carpenter, whose three years of active ministry and death upon a Roman cross did more to change the world than any other factor in history.

Veneration and elevation of these men gave us a civilization unparalleled in world history, with more freedom and human thriving than any other.

Our Narrative Perverted

Today, how much of our modern culture is nothing more than an assault on us, bent on perverting our minds or converting us away from the narratives that defined us for so long? Worse yet, what of our children?

Our society is adrift in dangerous waters, unmoored from the ideals and heroes of the past. Our young people, those at the most vulnerable and often the most difficult stage of their lives, are being drawn into a culture that has lost the plot.

The Energematrice6 Universe

The freedom to believe whatever we choose is our one absolute freedom as humans. Ideas are the most powerful force in our world because of that fact. The ideas we hold closest are what define our narrative and aim us at our goals.

A myth is a narrative that encapsulates the human condition. It both pulls us back into the deepest wells of our history and catapults us outward to the stars. A myth captures the best and worst of what it means to be human. The aim of the Energematrice6 universe and its attendant stories is to recapture the myths that made us great and offer them to a new generation.