My name is Jared Michaud, and I have a life-long drive to write fiction.
Growing up, my mind was shaped by the stories I read. From C.S. Lewis to Orson Scott Card, I found authors who knew how to speak to my heart and give voice to what was inside me. I started writing stories myself when I was only seven years old, and wrote my first novel starting when I was twelve.
Today, I write from a little house in a little town in Wyoming, where I live with my wife and six children. I am a Christian. I am a lover of truth. I am on a mission to give my children’s generation myths built on the greatest foundation the world has ever seen.
As C. S. Lewis told us, “Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.”